Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Coming January 9th
Check out this preview of our upcoming January lesson themes for our Elementary Kiddos!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Family Christmas Eve Service

Service Is Thursday, December 23 @ 4:00 p.m. in the Student Center.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.

Grow, Pray, Study this week!
Enjoy the Christmas break and doing some of the activities in our guides...for example, drive by and look at Christmas lights as a family and see what the houses focus some show the love of Jesus through their decorations? What do you focus on?
See you back in your normal rooms on January 9th!
Don't forget the younger kiddos (4 and under) can still go to the nursery during worship.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Your Own Birthday Party for Jesus!

Here are some great ideas for those of you that want to have your own Birthday Party for Jesus!
- First of all, you can find many supplies at this website or you can make your own...think a party station where everyone decorates a brown paper sack with Birthday Party for Jesus stickers to take home their party favors. Party Supplies can be found here.
- Play fun games with your nativity set. Hide and seek with the nativity characters or "I spy" like some of the kiddos have been doing at Sunday School.
- Read the Christmas Story, the birth of Jesus.
- Have the children bring gifts for a family in need but emphasize that the greatest gift of all is Jesus, our Savior.
- A party isn't the same without cake! Make a special cake just for Jesus. I found this great cake idea on a Babycenter blog post...Birthday Cake for Jesus.
- Please share any ideas you have! We love hearing from you!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Advent Caledar Activity-December 16

A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of the most popular Christmas movies on tv. It has been show every year at Christmastime since 1965. Watch the movie together as a family then take a few minutes and talk about the movie. If you need a few questions to get the conversation going try these:
Why was Charlie Brown sad at the beginning of the movie?
Have you ever felt sad at Christmas?
Have you ever been in a Christmas play or musical?
If someone asked you to tell them what Christmas was all about, what would you say?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity - December 15th
What traditions do you do with your family at Christmas time?
Do you do now what you did growing up as a kid?
Some of us are starting our own traditions at home, some have them set already and some need ideas for the future...
Here are some great family traditions...please comment and tell us what you do!
- Buying the kiddos Christmas pajamas that they open and wear on Christmas Eve
- Giving the kids an ornament for each year
- Reading the Christmas story on Christmas Eve
- Going to candlelight Christmas Eve service as a family
- Waiting at the top of the steps before finding out what Santa brought!
- Going to see the best Christmas lights in Kansas City
- Celebrating Advent and lighting the candles each Sunday
- Giving to a family in need or providing Christmas dinner for someone
- Mailing out Christmas cards
Have fun enjoying your new and old traditions!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity-December 14

Today's Advent activity is making a card or a special treat for people who have provided services for your family. Here are some ideas of people who might be blessed that you thought of them during this Advent Season:
Firefighters (take some treats to your local firehouse)
Garbage Collectors
UPS or Fedex Driver
If you have other ideas of people to thank be sure to leave a comment on this post.
And check out a couple of special treat ideas:
Monday, December 13, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.
I hope you were there to celebrate with the Birthday Party we had for
Here are the GPS guides for the weekend.
Continue to celebrate at home the birth of Jesus.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity-December 9th

Today's advent activity is all about thinking globally and how other countries celebrate the birth of Jesus. Click on the link's below to find recipes that are served at Christmas in different countries:
Now check out the language translator see how many different languages you can say Merry Christmas in!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity-December 8

Today's advent calendar activity is making 2 birdfeeders one for your yard and one for a neighbor's yard. Here are some easy homemade bird feeders that are fun for the whole family to put together.
Pine Cone Feeder
Coat with peanut butter and cornmeal; add raisins, cranberries, whatever you have around. Roll in mixed birdseed (optional). Hang or place in the yard.
Old Christmas Tree Feeder
Placing the Christmas tree in the yard at the end of the holiday season makes a great birdfeeder. Hang it with cranberries and pine cone feeders (above), spread peanut butter on branches, and because birds in winter need fat especially, hang suet from on it.
Bagel Feeder
Coat a bagel with peanut butter, roll it in mixed birdseed and/or cornmeal, and hang it on a tree branch. Replace when gone.
Plastic Soda Bottle Feeder
You can buy ready-made versions of the soda bottle bird feeder, or you can make one yourself:
Make a hole on each side of the bottle about ¼ of the way up from the bottom of the bottle. Insert a stick through both holes to make perches; use one that’s long enough to stick out a few inches from each side of the bottle. The holes should be just larger than the size of the stick so the birds can get the seeds; or make separate feeding holes slightly above the perches. Fill with birdseed (use a funnel).
You may want to poke small holes in the bottom of the bottle to let moisture drain out. Tie a wire or small rope around the top of the bottle for hanging. You can also make this project upside-down, with the cap pointing down; thread wire through two small holes in the bottom of the bottle, then twist the two ends together to make a hanging loop.
Cheerios Birdfeeder
String Cheerios (or other round cereal with a hole) on a string. Coat with peanut butter. Hang on bushes!
*Thanks to for these ideas!*
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.
Have fun telling people about Jesus during Advent.
Let us know any ideas that you have about how to share with others about
Jesus during this special time of year.
Legend Of The Candy Cane

Read the Legend of the Candy Cane.....What other candies make you think of Jesus....Maybe "Smarties" because following Jesus makes you a smarty or maybe "Now and Laters" which help us remember to thank God both now and later.
A Candymaker in Indiana wanted to make a candy that would help us remember who Christmas is really about. So he made a Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ.
He began with a stick of pure white, hard candy. White to symbolize the virgin birth and sinless nature of Jesus. Hard candy to symbolize the solid rock, the foundation of the Church, and firmness of the promises of God.
The candymaker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the name of Jesus. It also represented the staff of the "Good Shepherd".
The candymaker then included red stripes. He used three small stripes and a large red stripe to represent the suffering Christ endured at the end of his life.
He began with a stick of pure white, hard candy. White to symbolize the virgin birth and sinless nature of Jesus. Hard candy to symbolize the solid rock, the foundation of the Church, and firmness of the promises of God.
The candymaker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the name of Jesus. It also represented the staff of the "Good Shepherd".
The candymaker then included red stripes. He used three small stripes and a large red stripe to represent the suffering Christ endured at the end of his life.
The candy became known as a Candy Cane - a decoration seen at Christmas time. The meaning has faded, but still gives joy to children young and old, whom Jesus loves and treasures.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity-December 6

Today's advent calendar activity is taking out your nativity set and talking about the birth of Jesus as a family. Then compare it to the birth of your children. Some questions to talk about are below:
1. Where were you born?
2. Who first visited you in the hospital?
3. What was the first gift your recieved as a baby?
4. What time of day where you born?
3. What was the first gift your recieved as a baby?
4. What time of day where you born?
Birthday Party for Jesus!

Birthday Party for Jesus and
Toys for Joy!!
~December 11th and 12th~
Our Birthday party for Jesus is this weekend! We will have a big party for Jesus at all services. We will be collecting new and unwrapped toys for children at Welborn Elementary in KCK. The Welborn parents have earned points this year to be eligible to visit our toy store for Christmas gifts. These gifts will be used to stock the store. Don't miss this weekend, it's going to be AWESOME!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity-December 4

Today's Advent Calendar Activity is making a special treat and giving it to someone just to bless them and show them God's Love. Check out the links below for a couple of KiDS COR Staff favorite recipes.
Sugar Cookies
Yummy Dip
Cream Cheese Cut-Out Cookies
Friday, December 3, 2010
Advent Calendar Activity-December 3
Today's Advent Calendar Activity is make your own Christmas ornament as a family or with some friends. Need an idea on an easy ornament to make, then check this out.
Today we made A Christmas Tree out of Pine Cones.
Step 1: Find Pine Cones

Step 2: Come home and put glue on paper plate:

Step 3: Place pine cone on plate with cotton balls (snow) around the base of the pine cone:

Step 4: Squeeze glue all over pine cone then sprinkle glitter over the pine cone.

Step 5: Stand back and admire your tree. After it has dried you can either tie some string onto the cone and hang it on the tree or just place the cone on a branch.

Share any cool homemade ornaments you have done as a family! Would love to hear from you.
Today we made A Christmas Tree out of Pine Cones.
Step 1: Find Pine Cones
Step 2: Come home and put glue on paper plate:

Step 3: Place pine cone on plate with cotton balls (snow) around the base of the pine cone:

Step 4: Squeeze glue all over pine cone then sprinkle glitter over the pine cone.

Step 5: Stand back and admire your tree. After it has dried you can either tie some string onto the cone and hang it on the tree or just place the cone on a branch.

Share any cool homemade ornaments you have done as a family! Would love to hear from you.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Let's Go to Bethlehem
Here is a great activity to do at home...make your own nativity set!
You can print the cut outs from the template, color them, cut, fold
and make your own Holy Family.
Look for more pieces to add to your set!
Enjoy the Elementary Intro Video to Advent!
Advent Calendar Activity-December 2nd

Today's advent calendar is encouraging us to talk as a family about some great Christmas memories. Use the memory joggers below to help get conversations started. If you have other great questions please leave a comment on this post.
1. What is your favorite Christmas ornament?
2. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
3. What is your favorite snack to eat during Christmas?
4. What is your favorite Christmas Show?
5. What is the best Christmas Present you have ever received?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Family Advent Activity-November 30

1. Yes, Virginia There is A Santa Claus by Francis P. Church
2. The Polar Express By Chris Van Allsburg
3. Mater Saves Christmas By Kiel Murray
4. The Grumpy Shepherd By Paddie Devon
5. On This Special Night By Claire Freedman
6. Room For A Little One By Martin Waddell & Jason Cockcroft
Let us know your favorite Christmas Story. Leave a comment on this post. Would love to hear from you all!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.
Check out the GPS for the first week of Advent.
Learn some great Christmas ideas for the family!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
And the WINNER is....

CONGRATS!!Please email Nick Ransom at to arrange pick up.
Thanks to everyone for leaving your wonderful comments.
We absolutely LOVE hearing from you...please post whenever you want.
Enjoy all of those things you are thankful for this week and everyday!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
It's finally here...a GIVEAWAY!
We love hearing from all of you on the blog so we thought we would have a contest
and give away this FABULOUS devotional for kids ages 4 to 8.
My First Message is a wonderful devotional bible for kiddos just like The Message for adults.
Who wouldn't love that?!
Here's the deal...
Leave us a comment telling us at the KidsCOR blog what you are thankful for...
Your family?
Talking your dog on a walk?
Parents...thankful for a good nights sleep?
Whatever it is...tell us!
One entry per person please and we will be randomly drawing a winner and announcing it on

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A Day in the Life of a Green Butterfly
As a parent, I always wondered what exactly went on when I dropped off my son in his Butterfly room on Sunday mornings but after volunteering I realized just what exactly they did, how much fun they had and more importantly, all the things they learn!
I brought my camera last week to capture "A Day in the Life of a Green Butterfly" to show some of you parents out there just what goes on! We will be focusing on other rooms throughout KidsCOR to bring you sneak previews. Enjoy!
They all learn to sit in a circle and listen to the Bible story for the day and do their quick welcome song.
Next, they might have a few minutes before Praise and Worship and today, Miss Elizabeth got out the scarves for a time of dancing, walking, stomping around the room with their scarves!
The kids are always learning to help pick up their toys before we move on to a new activity...I loved this idea!
Next, we travel down the long forest hallway, pointing out animals along the way, and enter into Butterfly Park for Praise and Worship.
This is the time they give their offering. Feel free to send a few coins with your child and they will have a chance to put it into an offering plate as well as a time for prayer.
They sing a few songs and shake their egg!
Sometimes they enjoy puppets or other stories but they always end with the Blessing song.
Sometimes the GPS that is handed out to you explains or gives further ideas about the craft they did in class. Last week they created a shield and the GPS gave ideas of how to be interactive with that project.
They use crayons and sometimes glue sticks to help paste on the pieces.
After that, it is back to business with playing!
Lots of trucks and blocks for the boys!
I hope you found this insightful on what your child is doing during Worship if they are in a Butterfly room.
It's wonderful to see all that they learn and how much joy it brings to their faces.
Thanks for sharing your kiddos with the staff and volunteers.
Look for a new room to be showcased soon!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veggie Tales and Operation Christmas Child
See your Operation Christmas Child boxes in action!
Thanks again for blessing these kids at Christmas!
Don't forget to turn in your boxes this weekend.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Grow. Pray. Study.
Here are the GPS GUIDES for all of our age groups.
Don't forget to look it over and have your parent initial it if you did your part to read it...
kudos to all of you that turn it in!
Have a great week!
Feel free to leave a comment if you found another great way to make your GPS interactive!
We love hearing from you!
Memory Verse
Parents, Caregivers and is the memory verse for Early Childhood!
You can see step by step instructions and learn all of the motions...doesn't get much better than that! Enjoy learning!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Operation Christmas Child
Don't forget to pick up your Operation Christmas Child box at the KidsCOR information booth.
You can buy a plastic box for $2.00, you can get a green and red box for FREE or you can use your own shoe box...wrapping the box is optional.
Take the kiddos and fill it up with gifts for the gender and age group you pick and please return it NO LATER than November 14th.
(Detailed instructions are in the brochure you will receive).
Thanks for blessing others!

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Memory Verse
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Five Finger Prayer
Calling all Early Childhood Parents!
It's sometimes hard teaching our children how to pray and what to pray for but don't worry they are learning just that in KidsCOR.
Enjoy this simple way to help remind your kiddos how to pray using their five fingers!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 24 GPS
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
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