Welcome to a series of blog posts dedicated to a particular book!
We are hoping that we can generate discussion as well as recommend some great resources for parents. Join me as I highlight a few perspectives from different books and let me know what you think! Feel free to comment or ask questions.
The Book:
Generation to Generation: Practical and Creative Ideas for Raising Kids to Know and Love God
Author: Wayne Rice
1st Topic for Discussion: COMMISSION
This book has some great activities and scripture references to help you with different strategies. Explore through the book for some tips.
If you have been around KidsCOR, you know that we recognize that church is just a small portion of time in a child's life and we are providing tools that help parents bring God into their home.
This is what the first chapter teaches...
1. No one has more influence on children than parents.
2. No one has more time with children than parents.
3. No one has more love with children than parents.
Deuteronomy 6: Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
As a parent, it cannot be denied that we are with our children more than anyone else. We have to take advantage of that time and use it to teach them and lead by example. A great idea is to use moments throughout the day to show God's love. Some of us might not feel capable of providing the greatest spiritual influence but I love this quote from the book...
"The most influence, the most time, the most love. God definitely knew what he was doing when he gave parents not only the responsibility, but also the great privilege, of loving and leading his children into a personal relationship with himself."
Whether you think it's too late, have tried before, you have a blended family, you have no Bible training or you have different beliefs than your spouse...this book will help you work through those concerns and still help you to raise Godly children.
Next post...COMMITMENT. What will it take to raise kids that know and love God?
We will be staying with this book for a series of topics. Check back soon!