Most of us remember the events of September 11, 2001. We recall where we were, what we were doing, and how we felt when we heard the news. We remember the lives that were lost, the events that led to the tragedy, and how America and the rest of the world reacted in response.
Many of our children were not yet born, or they were very young and have no recollection of that day at all. However, since then, our kids may have learned about September 11th in school or heard about in other ways. They may be asking questions or sharing feelings surrounding the devastation and death.
Listen to your child’s concerns and fears. Assure him or her of your love and God’s love. As appropriate for your child’s age, teach your child that God does not cause these things, instead people make choices and that sometimes, sad and bad things do happen in life. Focus on reminding your child that God is always with him or her and loves him or her very much.
Also, as appropriate, talk about how we can be people of peace and kindness. We can accept people who look, act and think differently than we do. God made each person unique and just as God loves each person, God wants us to love others, too.
As this weekend approaches, pray for guidance and wisdom to respond to your children’s questions and thoughts with grace and patience. If you need additional support, please feel free to contact KiDS COR. We will be honored to share in the journey with you and your child in this way. Grace and peace to each of you and to your precious children.