Silence. Do you
remember it? Absolute stillness. Quiet.
Peace. Most of our homes would
not be ever be characterized with this quality.
And that’s okay. Or is it?
In Psalms, we read, “Be still and know that I am God.” Hmmmm… God is calling us to be still.
When was the last time you were still? When did you take a deep breath and turn over
your concerns and work and worries to God?
When did you stop to remember that God is God and you and I are not?
If it’s been a while, take this moment (or one when you can)
and pray these words.
“God, thank you for being God. Thank you for asking me to be still in Your
presence. Fill my heart with peace, my
body with strength, and my mind with rest. Help me turn my worries, cares and
concerns over to You. You alone are God,
and I give you praise. Amen.”
Teach your children this verse, model stillness for your
children, have quiet time together as a family.
Appreciate the gift of silence and give thanks to God for being God.
Pastor Lisa