Thursday, March 31, 2011

Choose the Cross

Elementary Kids: Get excited for the theme!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Sunday: Family Communion

Please join us for Family Communion this weekend after the

9am, 10:45am and 5pm services in Room 2209.

Enjoy this time to receive communion as a family.

Grow. Pray. Study.

This week enjoy learning about the story of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples.

Show each other how to serve and be kind.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Attention: Parents of 3 Year Olds!

As a mother to a 3 year old, I love this hand out.
This is called "Learning to Walk - The 3 Year Old Journey."
This is from the Parenting the Faith Journey event earlier this month.
Click HERE to get the hand out.
This is an amazing resource for parents on how KidsCOR
is here to partner with you and help start and continue your child's journey with God.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grow. Pray. Study.

See what you can do this week to grow closer to God!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Families and Your 3rd Grader

If you missed the Parenting the Faith Journey event, here is a great hand out regarding any of you that have 3rd graders or will have a 3rd grader...more handouts will be coming soon!

Also, this is our ELEMENTARY theme video!!

A Child's Prayer

A few weeks ago a 4 year old girl stood up in front of her Sunday school and led them in this prayer. The teachers heard this prayer and they were so impressed they wanted to share this great prayer with everyone! So here is her prayer....

Dear God

Thank you for your special son

Who came to show that your the one

He came to wash our sins away

So we can live in Heaven someday.

Your gift of Jesus

Helps me see

How much you love and care for me.


Try teaching this prayer to your younger kids and see what happens!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Grow. Pray. Study.

Enjoy this weekend's GPS Guide!
Learn how we are all a part of the FAMILY of God!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Grow. Pray. Study

Check out the March 6th GPS...March 13th will be here this week!

Overcoming Obstacles: Part 3

During our Parenting the Faith Journey seminar we had the opportunity to watch a skit that illustrated some of the obstacles families face when trying to focus on the spiritual development of their kids. One of the obstacles was just learning how to help your kids grow in faith. Below is the list of ideas Parents came up with on how they could learn more ways to talk to their kids about faith:

• Subscribe to the KiDS COR RSS blog feed
• Visit blog
• Get the GPS each week
• Attend classes at church (from KiDS COR and Adult Discipleship Ministries)
• Talk to KiDS COR Staff
• Fellowship with other parents
• Join a small group to study together
• Volunteer in KiDS COR to see what happens in Sunday school
• Attend church every week, don’t skip, make it a priority
• Model what faith looks like for your kids
• Model Bible study and prayer
• Meet other families at church and worship together
• Read
• Read the Bible regularly
• Do the adult GPS
• Join a Bible study at church
• Participate in Building Better Moms
• Pray for guidance
• Visit the church bookstore

Friday, March 11, 2011

Overcoming Obstacles Part 2

During our Parenting the Faith Journey seminar we had the opportunity to watch a skit that illustrated some of the obstacles families face when trying to focus on the spiritual development of their kids. One of the obstacles was missing opportunities where faith could be easily brought in everday life. Below is a list of ideas Parents came up with on how to overcome this obstacle:

• Talk and model for/with your kids
• Regular prayer time
• Involve kids
• Read from the Bible vs. other stories
• Take opportunities to pray for things every day (friends, family, the world)
• Watch Christian cartoons, movies, listen to Christian music
• Participate in Faithworks up at the church as a family
• Participate in mission opportunities at church (Operation Christmas child, book donations, bring offering to Sunday school every weekend)
• Answer questions about God honestly, give them the time to ask questions
• Participate in ministry events
• Attend church each weekend
• Make faith a part of every day and all things
• Point out things in the world and relate them to faith/God
• Participate in fewer activities
• Eat meals together
• Volunteer at church in Sunday school and spend time there with your child
• Tie holidays to faith
• Do the GPS
• Have a family praying spot
• Put prayer time and family faith time on the calendar
• Ask your kids what they would like to pray about and what they are thankful for

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Overcoming Obstacles Part 1

During our Parenting the Faith Journey seminar we had the opportunity to watch a skit that illustrated some of the obstacles families face when trying to focus on the spiritual development of their kids. One of the obstacles was not enough time. So here are some ideas from our parents on how to Create Time:

• Turn off the computer, TV, cell phone
• Get up earlier
• Utilize meal times
• Use day to day activities and play time
• Pray together at meals and at bedtime
• Utilize down time/wait time – when waiting at restaurants, in car lines, at the grocery store
• Establish routines before “common” activities such as bedtime, mealtime, riding in the car
• Decrease the number of activities our kids are in to make church, time together a priority
• Put family faith time on the calendar, schedule it
• Talk during bath time
• Make and eat dinner together and talk
• Use time in the car
• Incorporate “God moments” in every day activities
• Listen to Christian music at home and in the car

Friday, March 4, 2011

Teaching Prayer

Great info on teaching prayer to your kids, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, etc. You get the picture!


Talking With Kids About Faith

Below is a video of 5th graders being asked questions about their faith and what role their parents have played in their faith so far. Take a couple of minutes and check it out!


Need to meet some other parents who have kids the same age as yours? Need a change of pace for a Saturday morning? It’s not too late to sign up for the Parenting the Faith Journey on March 5th.
It's not too late! Click HERE to register!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Know, Love & Serve

Knowing, Loving, and Serving God is what we do at Resurrection. How can we do that better as a family? We’ve got ideas, come to the Parenting the faith journey on March 5th.
For more info or to register, click HERE!