Monday, January 30, 2012

Grow. Pray. Study.

Did you take your bible to the dinner table?
Share with one of your Classroom Guides how it went!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Faith Builder

As parents, you know how time-consuming and even exhausting your child’s bedtime can be. If you can offer your child a few minutes of undivided attention during this time, you may find an incredible opportunity to connect with your child and with God.

Here’s how:

Connect and cuddle:  Ask your child about his/her day. Invite detailed answers by asking open-ended questions such as, “What made you laugh today” or “Who did you play with at recess today?”  If your child is okay with it, lie next to your child for a minute or two or place your hand on your child’s hand or back.

Listen to music: Softly play a CD that includes some of your child’s favorite praise and worship songs or Christian lullabies.   

Read together: Choose a children’s story Bible or devotional book and read it together or look at the pictures.

Pray together: Ask your child if he or she would like to start or end the prayer.  Keep it simple.  Remember we can talk to God about anything—even our stuffed animals and our toys!  Model praying for your family and others.  Also, ask God for forgiveness when you have done something wrong and thank God for grace. Spend a moment in quiet, listening for God, too.

Experiment and see what works best for your child.  Enjoy bedtime, your child, and God!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bible Brownies

For all you 3rd graders who were at Bible Exploration last Friday night you maybe looking for these answers.
The ingredients for the Bible brownies are as follows!
1. flour

2. sugar

3. cocoa

4. baking powder

5. salt

6. nuts

7. oil

8. eggs

9. vanilla

Have fun and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Picture of the Week

This past Sunday our elementary kiddos learned about the story of Jericho ’s walls falling down after the Israelites marched around them for 7 days. Take a look at the “walls of Jericho ” that were built in Bible Theatre!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Faith Builder

I babysit a two-year old little boy each week.  Since he was six months old, I have rocked him to sleep for nap time and sung, “Jesus Loves Me.” He snuggles his head on my shoulder, puts his arms around my neck and settles in.
A few weeks ago, after lunch, I said, “Nap time!”  He looked at me and in that precious toddler voice said, “Jesus Loves Me.”  He held up his arms, crawled in my lap, and joined with me as I sang.  
That same routine has continued every week. He holds up his arms, climbs in my lap, puts his head on my shoulder and sings the song with me.  He knows “Jesus Loves Me” in every way.
Now I could remind you to teach your children the ways and truths of the Christian faith. Or I could just invite you to hold up your arms, climb into the lap of God, put your head on His shoulder and let Him remind you how very much He loves you.    
Grace and peace to you. You are loved.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Picture of the Week

It’s been an awesome start to 2012 in KiDS COR with so many kiddos and leaders. 
Did you know the past 2 Sundays have been record breaking numbers of kids? 
We are excited about bigger numbers because each number represents a person we get to 
share the love of Christ with.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday Faith Builder

About a week ago while in the car, my kids asked me to tell them some jokes. Now, all my life I have been a very bad joke-teller. I can never remember jokes—or if I do, I only remember part of them so they are never funny. My kids know this, and I resisted repeatedly, but they were insistent. So I agreed.

Now the only jokes I could remember were the ones they always tell, and I could only remember two or three of those, but I decided I would give it a shot. I also decided I would say the punch line like it was some huge, big surprise and laugh loudly and obnoxiously at the end of each joke—like each one was the funniest thing anyone had ever heard.

Thinking this would turn them off immediately, I began. But instead of looking at me like I had completely lost my mind, they joined in. They had tears in their eyes they were laughing so hard—and pretty soon, I did, too. We told the same jokes over and over, finishing each one with a huge, annoying laugh. Over and over and over again.

Why am I telling you this? Maybe you need a good laugh. At me. At my family. At yourself. At your family. Better yet, laugh together—laugh with your family—just laugh—over and over and over again! 

-Pastor Lisa Holliday

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Little Things

Christmas is a time for giving, as God gave his son to us. Sometimes we don’t always know how we affect other people when we give, so we would like to share a story of how our kids effected some of our nursing home friends we serve through Silver Links.

This past advent season our kids created Christmas ornaments (see above) during our Birthday Party for Jesus to give to the local nursing home residents. The residents were so excited to get them that a couple of them cried when they read the Christmas story on the ornaments. The joy our KiDS COR kids brought to the residents this Christmas brings to light the spirit of giving. You never know how God will use us even through the simple things.

Brenda Thornton-Elementary Program Assistant

Thursday, January 12, 2012


January 7 & 8 was record breaking weekend in KiDSCOR over 1,500 kiddos came through our doors!! WOW!! The picture below was taken of all the Kindergarten crafts at one of the services. That's a lot of crafts!