Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Faith Builders...Back to School Version

Have you purchased all the school supplies? Are you ready for all the activities coming up? Is your fall family schedule overflowing yet? This season can often be stressful and overwhelming. Everyone is getting used to the return of a bit more structure and routine. Sports, dance, and music lessons are starting back up. Homework will add extra pressure and the need for increased time management.

As you are planning your family calendar for the fall, be sure and include some time for faith and fun! As parents, we are the most important people in the development of our child’s faith, and the priority we place on it in the home teaches our kids about the priority our faith needs to take in our lives.

Do the best you can to eat at least one meal together each day. Work on your child’s GPS each week. (This is a family faith-building resource your child will receive regularly in KiDS COR and it is also available on line.) Use the family activity in the adult GPS one afternoon or evening a week. Pray for and with one another each day. Serve others. Encourage each other with uplifting and positive words.

Begin with one or two faith-builders each week. Pray and ask God to guide you as you lead your family. Enjoy growing in your faith together!

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