Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Faith Builder

With kids out of school, more hours of sunlight, and activities winding down, summertime brings about a whole new rhythm.  You might be planning on spending time at the pool, library, museums, parks, and traveling.  You might have several arts and crafts projects tucked away, outdoor games and play dates planned.  How about spending time focusing on your family faith life?  Could you create time for an additional time with God this summer?
You might get involved in a charity and volunteer somewhere.  Consider helping neighbors, community service people, or those in need. Sing or listen to music that is cheerful and uplifting. Find a new praise CD and learn a new song or two. Pray together as a family and by yourself.   Retell Bible stories you hear in church. Create a craft project and share it with someone who is lonely.  Cook a meal or bake a treat and bless someone else with it.  Invite people to your home for a time of fun and fellowship.  Spend time outside at different times of day and night. Thank God for the beautiful creations in this world. Continue to attend worship and KiDS COR.
You will have many opportunities to praise God and grow in your faith as a family this summer.  Pray that God will help you enjoy every moment!

-Pastor Lisa

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