Monday, July 11, 2011

Faith Builders

How is the journey going as you parent your child in the Christian faith? Remember this is a life-long experience—we are always growing, discovering, learning and experiencing no matter how old or young we are! As we open our minds and hearts to God, God will always be faithful to lead and guide us and our children into becoming more deeply committed Christians.

Also, remember you don’t have to do everything you read about or hear regarding raising your kids in the Christian faith! You know what works best for your kids and your families. Here in KiDS COR, we want to offer you several choices so you can choose what makes sense for your family. If guiding your children in faith is new to you—welcome aboard! If it is a part of your family’s rhythm already—keep it up! God will use all our efforts—big and small--to help your child and you grow in faith. Practice makes progress—not perfection! So let’s keep on keepin’ on—together!

Pastor Lisa

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