Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Faith Builder

If you have children in school, you know that Spring Break has begun! For some this is an exciting time. Maybe your family has planned an adventuresome trip far away to a place that includes a beach or mountains. Maybe you are enjoying more of a “staycation”—a time when you explore new places nearby while staying in the comfort of your own home. Maybe, overall, it will be “business as usual” and not much will change this week at all.

Whatever your Spring Beak brings, make sure and incorporate some time for rest, renewal, relaxation, and fun. Discover a new park or restaurant. Choose a different movie. Enjoy a walk, some basketball or soccer, or a game of tag. Spend time with friends and family. And celebrate God’s presence in it all.

Add in some extra time for reading your Bible or attending worship. Create a new family prayer or song. Explore a new way or place to serve others. Grow in your faith by knowing, loving and serving God in a creative way you have been thinking about for a while.

In times of busy-ness and times of play, in times of work and in times of rest, in all of life, celebrate and give thanks for God’s presence! Blessings on your break!

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